Sunday, August 9, 2015

Passive smoking

Passive Smoking

Good morning.

Today's headline is Passive smoking.

Today at 3:00 PM at one of the samsung city's bus stop the man got arrested. Because he smoked at public place. So this person will have to pay money by the law-giving damage to other people.

In this case, the damage is called "Passive-smoking".
The passive smoking is when the smoke that comes from a certain cigarette that a person is smoking goes into another persons  nose next goes into that person's body. So passive smoking is very dangerous, because passive smoking can make both to people's-who is smoking and who got effected by passive smoking-lung can be hurt-In the case of growing children, If they get to much smokes in their bodies. The probability can be much higher to have cancer when they become an adult. And this is made by the bad materious in cigarette, such as nicotine, by the reason passive smoking is bad.

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