Q1. How many fish do you catch in one day?
A. Not enough! Many years ago I caught many fish everyday.
Q2. How many dead fish do you see in one day?
A. So many! They are everywhere!
Q3. Can you imagine no ocean life?
A. When I was younger, I couldn't imagine that, but nowadays, sadly, I can imagine that.
Q4. Have you seen trash in the ocean?
A. Are you joking? Everyone sees trash in the ocean. It is everywhere-plastic especially!
Q5. Do you ever catch trash when you are fishing?
A. Yes, especially when I use fishing nets.
Q6. How can we clean the ocean?
A. Just stop throwing trash and industrial pollution into the ocean. Also, we can remove some of the pollution that is already there. The government must punish polluters severely!
Q7. When will the world finally realize just how important the ocean is to us?
A. When there is no more fish to eat!
We hope you are interested in this topic. Also, we want you to know about this problem and make more people know about this problem. Then, when you go to ocean to play, don't litter, and please remember to pick up trash in the ocean. So, we must do something to stop adding trash to the ocean, and people of the world should clean up the trash.
Thank you for reading our interview!
Many fish die because they think trash is their food and they eat it!
There is a lot of trash in ocean.
Why don't you post a picture of the fisherman?