Sunday, August 9, 2015
Kim Nuri PA
Her name is Kim Nuri. She is PA in class 17. She is very kind and beautiful. She always helps us when we have problems. We are so lucky to have her for PA! Her dancing is very great! Also, her English is perfect. She got a gold medal when she was a student here at Minjok high school. She is a great role model for all of us.
Crunch time!
We started week 3 today, and everyone is very busy! T-shirt art, sidewalk chalk art, practicing for our Thursday night performance, and, of course more blogging.....
GLPS GA time!!!!!!!! - class17
Good morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~
happy and sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Today we made T-shirts.
It is very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we will have a performance.
But we are very sad, because this Saturday we will go home ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ.
- By Hyun-Jun Jeong
happy and sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Today we made T-shirts.
It is very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we will have a performance.
But we are very sad, because this Saturday we will go home ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ.
- By Hyun-Jun Jeong
class 19 PA (feat. with kim jong guk)
My favorite PA
Hello my name is Jihyo. I'm going to talk about my favorite PA.
My favorite PA is Hyoyoung Lee. She is my room PA. She helps us in many ways. I could adapt here with her help. She is photo PA. She takes our pictures and uploads them on the website. I like her because she is very kind and pretty. Also, she is smart.
My favorite PA is Hyoyoung Lee. She is my room PA. She helps us in many ways. I could adapt here with her help. She is photo PA. She takes our pictures and uploads them on the website. I like her because she is very kind and pretty. Also, she is smart.
young people suicide in korea
Lots of young people in Korea in 2002, they died because of car accident. But today lots are dead because of suicide. The graph of car accident decreased but today suicide increases. We should think about prevention of suicide.
BY: Oh Min Hyuck (2015/8/10)
BY: Oh Min Hyuck (2015/8/10)
suicide prevention
I was surprised that many people commit suicide in many cities in Korea.
We can call to lots of organizations to get help.
you can go in here and call.
By Ryun Gi
We can call to lots of organizations to get help.
you can go in here and call.
By Ryun Gi
Passive smoking
Passive Smoking
Good morning.
Today's headline is Passive smoking.
Today at 3:00 PM at one of the samsung city's bus stop the man got arrested. Because he smoked at public place. So this person will have to pay money by the law-giving damage to other people.
In this case, the damage is called "Passive-smoking".
The passive smoking is when the smoke that comes from a certain cigarette that a person is smoking goes into another persons nose next goes into that person's body. So passive smoking is very dangerous, because passive smoking can make both to people's-who is smoking and who got effected by passive smoking-lung can be hurt-In the case of growing children, If they get to much smokes in their bodies. The probability can be much higher to have cancer when they become an adult. And this is made by the bad materious in cigarette, such as nicotine, by the reason passive smoking is bad.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Interview with a Person who Tried to Suicide
We are Class 19 at GLPS and today we interviewed a boy who tried to kill himself recently, Fortunately he was not successful! Please read our interview below:
Q1 : Why do people commit suicide?
A : It's because they get stress.
Q2 : what is a place that you'd do suicide?
A : I tried to die in my apartment.
Q3 : How did your parents felt after comitting suicide?
A : They got shocked and felt sad.
Q4 : How did your friends felt after comitting suicide?
A : They also got shocked.
Q5 : who was the on who stopped you from suicide?
A : My friend name Yoo Jun stopped me from suicide.
Q6 : Do you regrets about what you did?
A : Yes, I do. I've known that I was wrong.
As we said above, he was not successful in his suicide (fortunately). We hope you have enjoyed reading our interview, and that you have learned something about suicide.
Q1 : Why do people commit suicide?
A : It's because they get stress.
Q2 : what is a place that you'd do suicide?
A : I tried to die in my apartment.
Q3 : How did your parents felt after comitting suicide?
A : They got shocked and felt sad.
Q4 : How did your friends felt after comitting suicide?
A : They also got shocked.
Q5 : who was the on who stopped you from suicide?
A : My friend name Yoo Jun stopped me from suicide.
Q6 : Do you regrets about what you did?
A : Yes, I do. I've known that I was wrong.
As we said above, he was not successful in his suicide (fortunately). We hope you have enjoyed reading our interview, and that you have learned something about suicide.
The Fact of Suicide in Korea
In 2013, the number of the peoople who commited suicide was 14,427(highest suicide rate in OECD). But most Koreans don't know about how serious this problem is. In this article, we will explain the problem in greater detail.
Firstly, we will tell you about the number of people who are actually committing suicide. In Korea, three people commit suicide every 2 hours. About 30 people will have commited suicide by 6 o'clock. That's as many as an entire class of a high school. Each day, about 40 people commit suicide, which is as many as the number of people who are riding a high speed bus. Every month, about 1200 people, equivalent to the number of people who live in 300 household apartments commit suicide. About every 8 months, about a million people (the whole population of Ulleung island) commit suicide.
Now, you can realize just how serious suicide in Korea is.
Secondly, the Korean government has tried lots of things to prevent suicide. Sadly, it has not been supported by Koreans. The Korean government banned tools which can help in committing suicide such as herbicide and charcoal. Also it said we should boost the population by increasing the birth rate. But these proposed solutions are not enough, and we need even more solutions.
Suicide is not a simple problem. It's a serious problem, and we should know about that the problem is serious and important in our society. So, all of us have to pay more attention and try to solve the problem together. Individually our power may be small, but if we act together our power will be stronger. Together we can do it!
Firstly, we will tell you about the number of people who are actually committing suicide. In Korea, three people commit suicide every 2 hours. About 30 people will have commited suicide by 6 o'clock. That's as many as an entire class of a high school. Each day, about 40 people commit suicide, which is as many as the number of people who are riding a high speed bus. Every month, about 1200 people, equivalent to the number of people who live in 300 household apartments commit suicide. About every 8 months, about a million people (the whole population of Ulleung island) commit suicide.
Now, you can realize just how serious suicide in Korea is.
Secondly, the Korean government has tried lots of things to prevent suicide. Sadly, it has not been supported by Koreans. The Korean government banned tools which can help in committing suicide such as herbicide and charcoal. Also it said we should boost the population by increasing the birth rate. But these proposed solutions are not enough, and we need even more solutions.
Suicide is not a simple problem. It's a serious problem, and we should know about that the problem is serious and important in our society. So, all of us have to pay more attention and try to solve the problem together. Individually our power may be small, but if we act together our power will be stronger. Together we can do it!
Dear Abby
I want to kill myself. I'm gonna die.
I am bullied by strong classmates.
What should I do? What would you suggest?
Dear Chan.
If I were you, I would just think about what do you want to do, or call 117.
And then, they will give you a solution. Also, If I were you, I'd just have a trip or a little break.
Don't give up your life. There are really many things you can do.
Please do not commit suicide because of a bunch of idiots!
There are a lot of things you can do except suicide.
Don't give up!
We, the members of GLPS class11(Media team) made an advise column.
We wrote our complainings about 'gender equality' in these letters.
Dear Abby,
Hello, my name is X-girl, and I am 23 years old . I thought it was unfair! What was unfair?
Today was my salary day so I was happy. But our boss gave us men & women DIFFERENT
salary!!! Men got 3,000,000 won but I (women) got only 1,000,000...Can you believe this?
This is TOTALLY unfair!We did the same amount of work. Please give me some advice...
-From X-girl-
Dear X-girl,
I saw your complainings. I really wanted to help you.I really think the same way ,too.
One thing you can do is to write a letter to government.Then they will talk about it and
maybe they can help you with your problem.I hope you have success!
-From Abby-
Dear Abby,
I'm working in a company. Working in the company is fun! However, I got less salary than
other younger men. I worked hard to get more salary, but my salary is really low even now.
Can you help me?? Thank you.
-From ChulSoo-
Dear ChulSoo
I see... It's unfair.You are getting less salary than other men. In the past, people thought men
were better than women. But nowdays, it's getting better. Lots of women (and men) are
working hard to make boys and girls EQUAL(=). So, I wish you could have better luck soon.
-From Abby
Dear Abby,
Why do I have to go to military when women don't have to go to military??? I think it is
unfair and sexual discrimination. Can you give me some advice for this problem?
-From blabla-
Dear blabla,
I think women should go to military like men if women are strong like men.If women don't
go to military, they have to get less money than men.
-From Abby-
Dear Abby,
Hello, I am a 23 years old girl. I want to work for company but company said female can't come in to
that company. I am really annoyed! Also, I want to tell to company CEO that I can do just as well as men.
-From ...-
Dear ...,
Hi I am Abby~ .I think you have a right to be mad, but remember that job can be really hard. If it is not really hard, you can tell the CEO "I am better than men! Please select me!!" I hope this column helps you. Wish for success!
-From Abby-
I think we got nice letters for our 'gender equality' advice column.
Organized & posted -by Eric-
Gender equailty
These days, many people shout for gender equality,because our sociaty is not fair to women.Especially, South Korea has far to go to reach gender equailty.
There are many gender inequailities in Korea.One gender equailty problem is the inequaility of jobs and salary.Women usually have a job related to cleaning,cooking,or taking care of babies.Of course,women are talented at these jobs because they can do many things at once. But many people think women can't do logical
work which gives better salary.So many girls have a job giving poor salary. For example,most school's cleaning and cooking people are female.
The limit of body is not a limit of brain and spirit. Also,even though women get a job,men's salary and women's salary are different.Men get more salary then women even though the work is same.These things are happening because of prejudice of men.
Koreans have prejudice that they need to have a boy for their baby.There are some parents who abort their child if it's a girl.This leads for an imbalance of boys and girls.If this is continues, in the future there might be 10 boys and 1 girl in one classroom.
If people keep making women's opportunities low,the country can't grow.Many countries which have good economy think that women and men have no difference.They help girls who are weaker than boys,but give good jobs to them.Boys and girls shouid help each other and improve each other's difficulties.This is gender equality and the way to develop our develop our nation.

work which gives better salary.So many girls have a job giving poor salary. For example,most school's cleaning and cooking people are female.
The limit of body is not a limit of brain and spirit. Also,even though women get a job,men's salary and women's salary are different.Men get more salary then women even though the work is same.These things are happening because of prejudice of men.
Koreans have prejudice that they need to have a boy for their baby.There are some parents who abort their child if it's a girl.This leads for an imbalance of boys and girls.If this is continues, in the future there might be 10 boys and 1 girl in one classroom.
If people keep making women's opportunities low,the country can't grow.Many countries which have good economy think that women and men have no difference.They help girls who are weaker than boys,but give good jobs to them.Boys and girls shouid help each other and improve each other's difficulties.This is gender equality and the way to develop our develop our nation.
We are GLPS class 11. Today we will interview GLPS teacher Jerry Aultz. The interview topic is gender equality.

Q1: Hello, Jerry Aultz teacher. What do you think about gender equality?
A: Um...I think it has a long way to go, especially in Asia. Women are not being treated equally.
Q2: What is a biggest problem of gender equality?
A: Society's represention of women. They treat women like everyday objects which we use. They don't treat women fairly. They always think boys are better.
Q3: What are some examples of gender inequality?
A: Well, aborting baby girls, as I mentioned. Also, boys are usually given better education opportunities, and boys are usually given better job opportunities (and higher salaries). Finally, males aren't forced to stop working like women are (when they give birth). On the other hand, women don't have to complete military service. Maybe they should if we want true gender equality.
Q4: If you could solve the equality problem, how would you do so?
A: I want to make girls power higher, and give them jobs in high places. If we can solve problems like this, it will be a very good country.
Q5: Do you think that President Park is doing a good job with solving the problem of gender equality?
A: She seems to be trying a little bit, but there is a limit to what she is able to accomplish in a male dominated society like Korea.
Q6: Will you change your mind after this interview?
A: No, I have always been serious about this issue. I will never change my mind!
As you can see, Jerry Aultz teacher really wants to see gender equality become a reality. Let's hope that this happens so that men and women will be treated equally one day.
Dear Abby
I have a problem, and I want your advice please. My best friend recently started smoking cigarettes now she wants me to start smoking. She says that all the cool people at her school smoke. I want to be cool, but I don't want to smoke. I worry about my friend and I don't want to hurt her either. What can I do?
GLPS class 17
Dear GLPS 17 :
Thank you for your letter. Don't believe your friend! You don't have to smoke cigarettes to be cool. In fact, cool people do not smoke cigarettes. Only weak people smoke cigarettes. 'Why don't you make some new friends?' And tell you smoking friend that she needs to get help for her smoking problem. Maybe the school nurse can help her....
GLPS class 17
Thank you for your letter. Don't believe your friend! You don't have to smoke cigarettes to be cool. In fact, cool people do not smoke cigarettes. Only weak people smoke cigarettes. 'Why don't you make some new friends?' And tell you smoking friend that she needs to get help for her smoking problem. Maybe the school nurse can help her....
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