Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 1: Discovery Week

Week 1 of camp is all about discovery.  With your class you need to brainstorm ideas for your global Awareness Campaign.  Think about what matters to you and what you topic you would like to raise awareness about.  

Once you have a topic, the next step is to share it with people.  Our first project to began your campaign is to try Sidewalk Chalk Art. 
Sidewalk Chalk Art involves using chalk to decorate a sidewalk or street with some form of art. Of course, not everyone is an artist, and of course it might rain.  But as a class you can contribute ideas about WHAT to draw and WHERE.   If you are feeling really ambitious, why not try 3D chalk art?

Sidewalk Chalk Art can be simple or elaborate, but just remember you want to make a lasting impression.  The images you draw will fade or wash away with the rain but the message you are trying to send should last in the minds and hearts of those who see it.   Take a picture! Post it on your blog! Send it to your mom and your dad’s uncle’s uncle! That way it lasts forever and can be seen everywhere.  Here is a simple idea for example:

This project was to raise awareness about bullying and promote kindness instead. The organizers asked volunteers to decorate the sidewalks around schools with positive messages for students.  Check it out here:
Break into teams and start to create a design for your very own Sidewalk Art.  Once you have an idea try to draw it and bring it to your teacher for approval and feedback.  Once your art is approved it's time to take it to the street.  Grab the box of chalk and decorate the pavement. 
Don't forget to take pictures and post them on our class blog. 

Kony 2012

Have you heard of Kony 2012? It was a viral video that got more views than Psy! The video is about a charity group called Invisible Children whose goal is to catch Joseph Kony.  Kony is accused of recruiting child soldiers in Africa. 

The video is very powerful and controversial.  Let's watch it:
Now discuss the video and share your opinion and reaction with your class and teacher. 

Welcome to Global Awareness

Are you ready to have fun and start sharing with the world a topic you think needs attention? Here is your chance to make a difference and create a Global Awareness Campaign to share what you think is important in the world today. 

Stop Global Warming!No pollution is the solution!  Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Watch your waste!Stop smoking.Don’t Drink and Drive, Arrive Alive.Just say NO to Bullying. 
The above of some examples of possible Global Awareness Campaign topics.  With your class, you will brainstorm a topic that is important to you and use this topic to create a Global Awareness Campaign.

Remember to work as a TEAM and spread the word about your topic.